Alayna™ 3D Bunion Splint Corrector


If you’re reading this, chances are you wear tight-fitting or narrow-toed footwear.

The result? Your bunions are sore and the pain is getting worse.

Long-term, this can lead to more serious issues like arthritis, a reliance on painkillers, and a loss of balance, causing falls.

Alayna™ 3D Bunion Splint Corrector

Using the power of alignment therapy, the Alayna™ 3D Bunion Splint Corrector reverses bunion damage which will eliminate your throbbing pain and prevent bunion progression while you sleep.

Breakthrough Discovery

For a long time, the belief has been that bunion surgery is the only effective method of eliminating bunion pain. And I’m here to tell you, it is not your fault that you’re still in pain.

Bunion surgery is expensive, has a painful recovery, and bunions can still return, especially if the conditions that caused them in the first place have not changed.

After three years of prototypes and $112,000 spent in laboratory testing, we stumbled upon the breakthrough combination of:

✅ Irritation-free gel-cushioning
✅ Pressure relieving alignment therapy
✅ Painless overnight straightening

Targeting all three elements of bunion pain was the secret sauce that results in instant bunion pain relief and prevention of further growth.

We truly believe we have some of the best products in the world. If you don’t have a positive experience for ANY reason, we will do WHATEVER it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. Buying items online can be a daunting task, so we want you to realize that there is absolute ZERO risk in buying something and trying it out. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings we’ll make it right. We have 24/7/365 Ticket and Email Support. Please contact us if you need assistance.
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Alayna™ 3D Bunion Splint Corrector
Alayna™ 3D Bunion Splint Corrector
$12.95$24.95 Select options